Helping users get in touch with their inner selves, again.
Because of the ever-growing presence of wearables such as the Apple Watch and personal assistants like Alexa and Google Home, AI enabled smart mirrors will be more present in the average home. Rather than functioning as regular mirrors, these smart mirrors are more like tablets, offering beauty tips, news, weather apps, etc. But how does this effect our health and overall view of self?
The goal of the project was to create a futuristic pessimistic scenario based on trends and to design a product that acts as a glimmer of hope.
Role & Duration
Product Designer
Research, Information Architecture, Interaction, Wireframes, Prototyping, Visual Design
Fall 2018
The Problem
Generation Z, the generation that started off life with feelings of doubt and anxiety around appearance, has largely adopted the smart mirror with little to no resistance. In 2035, AI enabled smart mirrors are present in just about every home. They just as commonplace as a refrigerator or a stove. Obsessed with their idea of a perfect appearance because of social media and societal standards, the view the smart mirror as a tool that can help them groom themselves to perfection.
There are, however, a few drawbacks to this new and amazing smart mirror. As the AI gets smarter, it begins to take over the user’s consciousness. You no longer know what is your thought and what the AI believes you might have thought, based on data it has collected. It makes purchase decisions for you based on analysis from the mirror. These are usually beauty and self care products, encouraging the idea that the user is somehow inadequate. People are starting to take notice of this behavior and are confused about their consciousness between themselves and the AI.
Getting to the Facts
My target audience, Generation Z, has a complicated relationship with social media.
say social media makes them feel sad, anxious or depressed.
of Gen Z is seeking relief from social media.
Say people their age are too distracted by social media.
Source: Business Wire
What this Means for Generation Z
More than a third of Gen Z say technology is the biggest hurdle they’ll deal with in their lifetimes.
"I think the biggest hurdle my generation will have is removing themselves from their electronics. Teens are very addicted to electronics." — 15-year-old
"We aren't personable in real life because we put too much energy in our phones and social media." — 19-year-old
"The biggest hurdle will most likely be our soft skills, our ability to hold a conversation in person effectively." — 18-year-old
Mental health was another top concern among teens.
"Dealing with and overcoming stress and anxiety and depression issues” — 17-year-old
Source: Business Insider
The State of the Smart Mirror is 2035
Smart mirrors and digital assistants are one in the same and are voice control and AI enabled. Because it has facial recognition software, your AI experience is secure and only available to its owner. Most people have RFID implants behind their ears that allows them to hear their assistant whenever they go. Many have upgraded to the complementary AR contact lens that allows you to see all the interfaces from your smart mirror in any reflective surface. Smart mirrors have the following features: weather & news, social media, music, “In mirror” games, beauty and health recommendations, etc.
The Solution is a wellness company that wants to give you back your consciousness. With the help from VR and body sensors, we help people to bring back mindfulness with targeted meditation. VR dive into a mirror meditation environment that helps you meditate with the help of small vibrations from the sensors that you place all over your body. These vibrations help you get in touch with your body and mind and reduces stress. In addition, you can consult a therapist to help you keep track of your progress and recommend guided experiences.
The Science Behind the Mirror
The Mirror Principle
The mirror principle says what we do defines who we are and how we experience ourselves. Activities are a way in which we experience ourselves. Over time, those experiences become a crucial part of our reality. Our sense of self is the sum of what we internalize from our activities. Just as a therapist is a good mirror, the right experiences mirror the best of who we are: our deepest strengths, values, and abilities.
Source: Forbes
Mirror Mediation
Using the three principles of mindful meditation, Mirror Meditation is the practice of looking at your own self reflection with no other goal than to stay present with yourself and yourself only. This VR can be used to develop a kinder sense of self awareness. It is designed to do the following:
Source: Mirror Meditation by Dr. Tara Well, PhD
Relationship with Mirrors
Sense of self is not something we’re born with, rather something that is built over time. This is why infants never recognize themselves in the mirror. Words of encouragement or discouragement form an important support for the developing sense of self when the brain is still developing. Much of our understanding of self and self-esteem begin with the image of ourselves. More often than not, the self-critical adult was a child who received plenty of attention for their performance as a child. Unlike kids, when adults see our reflections, we’re reminded of issues such as:
Our mortality
How well we’ve been treating ourselves and our bodies
How our appearance compares to that of others
Source: Forbes
Speculative Results
With the help of, people have started to come out of the shroud of narcissism and self doubt. The company continues to adopt more users and fundamentally change the way that we receive therapy and connect with self globally:
People become more at one with themselves and recover “self”
Become more social in person
Are less likely to be obsessed with the idea of being ever-present on social media
Those with social and perception illnesses are triggered less
Bulimia / Anorexia
Body Dysmorphic Disfunction
Platforms like Snapchat and Instagram saw a quick drop off in users the week launched. They have continued to lose adopers since and are working to launch new features to attract them back. The same goes for the New Life System.